Small World Halloween Graveyard for Imaginative Play

“Are we going Halloween!?” said my 3-year old for the eighth time today.

“Yes, but Halloween is still 13 days away, remember?”

“Yay! Halloween!” *hops from foot to foot excitedly*

She’s so darn cute.

In our family, the first sparks of Halloween excitement begin around midsummer, and by October 1st my kids are bursting with anticipation. My 5-year-old already knows what her costume will be for the next three years in a row. With nearly two weeks left until the BIG DAY, I’ve been putting together Halloween-themed activities to tide them over. That’s why I set up this small world Halloween graveyard for some spooky imaginative play. Check it out.

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Dinosaur Dig Fine Motor Activity

If your kids are anything like mine, they can break things merely by thinking about them. The idea for this activity was inspired by yet another broken toy. Somebody managed to rip the head off a plastic dinosaur skeleton. How they managed to do this with their tiny tot fingers is beyond me, because that sucker was TOUGH. But it occurred to me that this would be a great opportunity to create a mini dinosaur dig site. It was so simple to put together, and my kids loved being little paleontologists. Picking away at the dirt with tools of various sizes is great for those fine motor skills. So if you have a dino-enthusiast in your home, give this dinosaur dig activity a try!

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