Spooky Ghost Resist Art for Halloween

I love Halloween. LOVE IT. I begin planning for the World’s Greatest Holiday months in advance. How will we decorate the house this year? What spooky treats can I bake? Will I be able to convince all four of my children to go along with the costume theme I’ve chosen? (Admittedly, this is getting harder and harder to pull off.) And what spooky-fun activities can I set up for my kids?

If you’re not like me, however, and Halloween snuck up on you this year, this spooky ghost resist art is the perfect Halloween activity for your little goblins. It is super easy to set up, not very messy, and pulls doubly-duty as both an art project and Halloween decoration that you can hang on your wall. Your children will love that the ghost “magically” appears out of nowhere. Spooky…

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Melted Crayon Art with Dinosaur Stencils

Have you ever experimented with crayons beyond just coloring with them? An internet search produces some pretty amazing artwork, from melted crayon art to carved crayon sculptures. This particular art project was inspired by a lone red crayon that was left behind to melt in my vehicle. Good times, for sure, but THIS melted crayon activity is actually fun, with minimal cleanup. Read on to learn how to make easy melted crayon dinosaur art using crayon shavings.

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